Sunday, June 9, 2013

Take a screenshot in Raspbian Wheezy

To take a screenshot in LXDE, you will need the application ImageMagick. You can download ImageMagick using apt tool.

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Once ImageMagic is installed, you can take a screenshot using import command.

import -window root screen.png

You can also combine this command with the delay command to make a delay time before take a screenshot.

sleep 5; import -window root screen.png

This will be delayed for 5 seconds then take a screenshot. Combine sleep command is very handy since you might need to hide the terminal window before take a shot.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Raspbian Wheezy keyboard mapping problem

I found my Raspbian Wheezy got a wrong keyboard mapping. When I type '@' and '#' symbol, it turns out to be other characters.

After searching in the internet (using DuckDuckGo in Raspbian :-D) I found this thread

So the problem is default keyboard layout is UK and I have to change it to US by change its configuration file using nano.

sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard

change XKBLAYOUT value from "gb" to "us"

then restart the PI

sudo /sbin/reboot

after my PI is wake up again, keyboard layout is changed to US and now problem solved.